Episode Ten: How do you solve a problem like...Supporting Early Career Teachers?
In this episode, I'm once again joined by Christopher Such, as we sit down to discuss the type of support early career teachers deserve and the ways in which we can provide them with an environment in which they can thrive.
Episode Ten: How do you solve a problem like...Supporting Early Career Teachers?
What ya reading for?
Chris: A History of Knowledge by Charles Van Doren
Kieran: Walkthrus: Five Step Guides for Instructional Coaching by Tom Sherrington and Oli Cav
What was your NQT and NQT+1 like?
If you could go back to day one, what would you tell yourself in 2 minutes?
How to develop subject knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and behaviour management?
How can schools support ECTs better?
Honourable mentions:
The Map of Knowledge - Violet Moller
Europe: A History - Norman Davies
Tackling Misconceptions - Kieran Mackle
Professional Development Spines - NCETM
Mathematics Explained for Primary Teachers - Derek Haylock and Ralph Manning
Teach Reading Logically - Stephen Parker
Teaching Your Child to Read - John Walker via Udemy
Purposeful Storytelling - Lloyd Williams-Jones and Kieran Mackle via ResearchEd Cymru
Creating a Culture - Tom Bennett via DfE
Running the Room - Tom Bennett
Thinking Deeply about Textbook Selection - Kieran Mackle