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Episode Twelve: How do you solve a problem like...Reading for Professional Development?

In this episode, I'm joined once again by Christopher Such as we sit down to discuss how we can build a healthy relationship with reading for professional development and get the most from what read about education.

Episode Twelve: How do you solve a problem like...Reading for Professional Development?

What ya reading for? 


Chris: Screening for Dyslexia Using Eye Tracking during Reading by Nilsson Benfatto, Öqvist Seimyr, Ygge, Pansell, Rydberg, Jacobson


Kieran: Retrieval Practice 2 by Kate Jones


How do you start if you're new to it?


Improving Teaching - Harry Fletcher Wood


Mr Barton Maths Blog - Craig Barton

Primary Colour - Chris Such


Seven Myths about Education - Daisy Christodoulou


Why Don't Students Like School - Daniel T. Willingham


How can you trust what you read?

ERIC (Education Resources Information Centre)


Teacher Proof - Tom Bennett


Bad Science - Ben Goldacre 

When Can We Trust the Experts - Daniel T. Willingham


How can you support/encourage other staff to read? 


The professional reading habits of teachers: Implications for student learning - Rudland and Kemp (2004)

The Reading Habits and Literacy Attitudes of Inservice and Prospective Teachers: Results of a Questionnaire Survey - Nathanson (2008)


John Catt


Do teachers really have to read?



Honourable mentions: 


Ending the Reading Wars - Castles, Castle and Nation


The Reading Ape 


Shanahan on Literacy - Timothy Shanahan


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